1. The observance of rules of discipline and good behaviour is essential to a student’s continuance in the School. The decision of the Principal/HM is final and binding on all students in respect of rules/instructions framed for discipline and good behaviour.
2. Forbidden Practices. No student is to indulge in any of the following:-
(a) Disfiguring/damaging any School property.
(b) Smoking in/around school premises.
(c) Any form of playing cards or gambling.
(d) Carrying or using mobiles, iPod, iPad, laptops or any other video, electronic and communication device in the School premises.
(e) Use of drugs or intoxicants, except on the prescription of a registered medical practitioner
(f) Chewing of betel leaves, tobacco, gutka, pan masala, chewing gum etc in the School premises.
(g) Rowdy or rude behaviour.
(h) Use of violence in any form and ragging/eve-teasing or passing lewd comments.
(j) Practice of untouchability or advocating of its customs, communalism or any such social evils.
(k) Being in possession of or viewing/reading/screening/sharing/forwarding any kind of pornographic/inappropriate material by SMS/email or any other medium. They are not to discuss or criticize the School or their teachers or any School staff/authority on Facebook, Twitter or any other social media.
(l) Indiscipline involving fighting/theft/any other act which may bring disrepute to the student/School or to the Air Force in general.
(m) Driving a two/four wheeler to School without a valid driving licence and helmet (in case of two-wheelers).
(n) No student will be involved in ragging. Ragging is an act wherein senior students use the fact of being senior to ill-treat their juniors and put them through an unacceptable level of discomfort and disturbance. These acts may include physical and psychological assault or threat (intimidation) or use of force or any mode of restriction, or demeaning the status, dignity and honour of junior students or subjecting them to mockery and acts that affect their self-respect or use of abusive language and aggressive, vulgar and indecent behaviour with the juniors.
(o) Any other act or misconduct defined as an offence by the law of the land.
3. Striking-off Name from School Rolls. The name of a student may be struck off from the school rolls for any of the following:
(a) Non-payment of fees and other dues within 30 days after the last date of payment.
(b) Absence from School without leave application from parent/guardian for 15 consecutive days. When a student remains absent from School for four consecutive days without a leave application from the parent/guardian, the Principal/HM is to intimate such absence to the parent/guardian of the student to ensure that the parent/ guardian knows about the absence.
4. Students’ Disciplinary Committee. The Principal/HM is to constitute a standing Students’ Disciplinary Committee comprising of three teachers. All cases of indiscipline/ misconduct by students will be dealt with by this Committee. Members are to be changed every academic year
5. Dealing with students below 14 years of age. Cases of indiscipline/breach of discipline by a student who is less than 14 years of age will be dealt in the following manner:-
(a) First Offence. The Students’ Disciplinary Committee, having satisfied that there is a prima facie case of indiscipline/breach of discipline, will refer the student to the Health Wellness Teacher (HWT) for counselling. The student will be counselled by the HWT and subsequently monitored by a teacher appointed by the Principal for this purpose. Improvement or lack of it in the behaviour of the student will be communicated in writing by the HWT/observing teacher to the Disciplinary Committee and the same recorded in a Register maintained for the purpose.
(b) Second Offence. In case of a second incident of indiscipline, the parents of the student will be summoned by the Principal/ HM and the student will be counselled by the HWT in the presence of the parents. Periodic counselling along with the parents will be continued till there is improvement in the behaviour of the student.
(c) In extreme cases, if despite the best efforts of the School and the parents, the student shows no improvement and continuance of the student in the School is considered detrimental to the interest of the School, a show cause notice will be issued to the parents asking them to show cause as to why the child may not be issued a Transfer Certificate. After considering the reply by the parents and all the circumstances of the case, the matter will be referred to the Secretary CSMC for deciding on the issue. The student is to be issued a TC only after the approval of the Secretary CSMC.
6. Dealing with students above14 years of age. For students above the age of 14 years, the following disciplinary measures are to be adopted:-
(a) Written warning by the Principal/HM.
(b) Fine of an amount decided by the SMC in the following cases:-
(i) Late attendance.
(ii) Absence from class without proper application from the parent/ guardian.
(iii) Truancy (being absent from School without permission)or repeated noncompletion of home assignment.
(iv) Willful damage to School property.
(c) Expulsion for a limited period not exceeding 30 working days.
(d) Rustication, which means that the student may not be re-admitted to the School. However, rustication may be resorted to only in case of grave offences where the retention of the student in the School is likely to endanger its moral tenor or discipline. All cases of rustication are to be forwarded to the Secretary CSMC for approval before a student is rusticated from the School.
7. For such students, the following procedure is to be followed:-
(a) First Offence. The Students’ Disciplinary Committee, having satisfied that there is a prima facie case of indiscipline/breach of discipline will refer the student to the Health Wellness Teacher (HWT) for counselling. The student will be counselled by the HWT and subsequently monitored by a teacher appointed by the Principal/ HM for this purpose. Improvement or lack of it in the behaviour of the student will be communicated in writing by the HWT/observing teacher to the Disciplinary Committee and the same recorded in a Register maintained for the purpose.
(b) Second Offence. In case of a second incident of indiscipline, the parents of the student will be summoned by the Principal/HM and the student will be counselled by the HWT in the presence of the parents. Periodic counselling along with the parents will be continued till there is improvement in the behaviour of the student. A written warning is to be issued to the parents stating that in case of any further breach of discipline, appropriate disciplinary proceedings will be initiated.
(c) Third Offence. Having established a prima facie case of indiscipline, the Students Disciplinary Committee is to issue a show cause notice to the parents as to why disciplinary action should not be taken in respect of the concerned student. Parents are to be directed to submit their reply within 14 days of receipt of the show cause notice. After considering the reply and all the circumstances of the case the Disciplinary Committee may recommend any of the measures listed in Para 6 above.
8. In no case a student is to be rusticated without giving adequate opportunity to the parent or guardian to show cause against the action and after due approval by Secretary CSMC.
9. Students’ Disciplinary Committee is to maintain a record of all cases dealt by them.